Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Week 7: September 30-October 4

Ancient World 4th Period

Monday:  No class

Tuesday:  The Shang and Zhou Dynasties
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  work on your book review
Wednesday:  The Philosophies of China

  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 77 (begin with "Legalism")-82 (stop at "Daily Life in Ancient China") and write a response to the following:
    • what were the major characteristics of Legalism?  How did the Qin Dynasty use Legalism successfully?
Thursday:  Legalism and the Qin Dynasty
  • Homework (due Friday):  book review due
Friday:  Culture and Society in Early China
  • Homework (due Monday):  read the primary document excerpts on the following pages and be prepared for a quiz:
    • page 74:  "The Wit and Wisdom of Confucius"
    • page 75:  "The Way of the Great Learning"
    • page 78:  "The Daoist Answer to Confucianism"
    • page 79:  "The Art of War"

Ancient World 7th Period

Monday:  No class

Wednesday:  The Shang and Zhou Dynasties
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 77 (begin with "Legalism")-82 (stop at "Daily Life in Ancient China") and write a response to the following:
    • what were the major characteristics of Legalism?  How did the Qin Dynasty use Legalism successfully?
Thursday:  The Philosophies of China and the Qin Dynasty
  • Homework (due Friday):  book review due
Friday:  Culture and Society in Early China
  • Homework (due Monday):  read the primary document excerpts on the following pages and be prepared for a quiz:
    • page 74:  "The Wit and Wisdom of Confucius"
    • page 75:  "The Way of the Great Learning"
    • page 78:  "The Daoist Answer to Confucianism"
    • page 79:  "The Art of War"

Military History, 5th Period

  • Monday:  No class
  • Tuesday:  The Peloponnesian War, part I
  • Wednesday:  The Peloponnesian War, part II
  • Friday:  The aftermath of the Peloponnesian War
Work on your presentations throughout the week.

Modern World History, 6th Period

Monday:  No class

Wednesday:  No class

Thursday:  Ming and Qing China
  • Homework (due Friday):  read pages 486-492 and write a response to the following:
    • Despite this period of change, what aspects of Chinese society continued on during this time?
    • Book reviews due
Friday:  Changing China?
  • Homework (due Monday):  read pages 493-496 (stop at "The Tokugawa Great Peace") and write a response to the following:
    • How did Japan respond to western influence during the late 1500's-early 1600's?  Why did the Japanese respond the way they did?

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