Friday, October 4, 2013

Military History Ancient and Greek Warfare Test Review

Test Date:  Wednesday, October 9th

Format:  15 multiple choice questions (3 pts. each); 1 essay response (choice of 2 questions)

  The origins of war and the impacts of the Neolithic and Urban revolutions on human conflict

Ancient Warfare, including
 Depictions of soldiers, etc. from the Standard of Ur and the Stele of the Vultures of Lagash
The characteristics and role of infantry, archers, chariots, and cavalry
Akkadian, Egyptian and Assyrian military developments and their significance

Persian and Greek Warfare, including: 
Persian military organization and administration from Cyrus through Xerxes
The characterisics of the Greek hoplite and the phalanx
Persian warfare contrasted with Greek hoplite warfare
Details and significance of the battles that comprised the Persian War—Marathon, Thermopylae, Salamis, and Plataea
The causes, major events, and lessons of the Peloponnesian War and the Spartan Hegemony

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