Monday, October 14, 2013

Week 9: October 14-18

Ancient World 4th Period

Monday:  Hero

Tuesday:  Hero

Wednesday:  PSAT

Thursday:  Hero, concluded

Friday:  No class
  • Homework (due Monday): none

Ancient World 7th Period

Monday:  Hero

Wednesday:  Hero

Thursday:  Hero, concluded 

Friday:  No class
  • Homework (due Monday): none

Military History, 5th Period

Monday-Wednesday:  In-class presentations

Friday:  No class

  • Homework (due Monday):  none

Modern World History, 6th Period

Monday:  Test on early modern Islamic Empires and China

  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 508-510 (stop at "Background to the Enlightenment") and write a response to the following:
    • what is the significance of the discoveries of the first Scientific Revolution for early modern Europe as well as the present?

Wednesday:  The First Scientific Revolution
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 511-516 (stop at "Culture in an Enlightened Age") and write a response to the following:
    • how is the Enlightenment connected to the Scientific Revolution?
Thursday:  The Enlightenment

  • Homework (due Monday):  none

Friday:  No class

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