Monday, October 7, 2013

Ancient World History Chapters 2 & 3 Test Review--India and China

Test Date:  Friday, October 11

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 response questions, you pick ONE, worth 55 points

You are responsible for knowing the following:
  • Major geographical features of India and Asia—rivers, mountain ranges, oceans, deserts

  • Major characteristics of Harappan/Dravidian society, including
    • Cities and their characteristics, social structures, technology, religion
  • Major characteristics of Indo-European/Aryan society, including
    • Lifestyle, social structure, technology, religion
  • Consequences of interaction between the Aryans and the Dravidians, especially concerning the caste system and the concept of varna
    • The Indian names of the different varna
  • The origins and major principles of Hinduism
  • The origins and major principles of Buddhism
    • significance of Siddartha Gautama 
  • Cultural achievements of early India

  • Chronology of the first four Chinese dynasties, beginning with the Xia
  • Major similarities and differences between the 4 dynasties, including
    • How they gained power
    • The significance of the Mandate of Heaven (and how it worked)
    • The territory they governed and their style of government
    • Technological, artistic, and other cultural characteristics
  • The significance of the Period of the Warring States
  • The major principles of Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism including
    • Who founded the philosophy
    • Major books or sources associated with the philosophy
    • Previously assigned primary documents

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