Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Ancient World History Chapter 1 Test Review Sheet

Ancient World History
Mr. Layne
Test 1 Review Sheet

What is this test on?
This test is on Chapter 1 of your textbook and all related material covered in class.

What do I need to know?
You are responsible for knowing the following:

  • The development and major characteristics of early humanity, focusing primarily on the developments concerning homo sapiens and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the Paleolithic Age

  • The significance of the Neolithic Revolution (including when it happened), the development of agriculture, and the emergence and major characteristics of civilization

  • Specific knowledge of all of the Fertile Crescent civilizations covered:
    • Sumer and the Sumerians; the Akkadian Empire; the 1st Babylonian Empire; Egypt; the Hittites; the Phoenicians; the Hebrews/Isrealites/Jews; the Assyrians; the Chaldean/New Babylonian Empire.  For each you should know the relevant:
        • Major events in each of their histories
        • Significant people
        • Major characteristics of each of the civilizations (as relevant:  religion, government, class structure, technology, etc.)
        • Major cities
        • Significant geographic features

  • The difference between a primary source and a secondary source and how to make use of a primary source

What is the format of the test?
Whether you are taking this class or Honors credit or College Prep credit, the format will be the same (there will be variation in the questions):
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will choose ONE of them—and answer it, (55 points total)

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