Monday, April 14, 2014

Week 30: April 14-18

Ancient World 4th Period

Monday:  Wrapping up the Crusades
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  Work on your papers
Tuesday:  The Late Middle Ages:  the Black Death
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 379 (starting with "The Decline of the Church")-380 (stop at "Recovery:  The Renaissance") and write a response to the following:
    • what caused the Great Schism of the Catholic Church?  What impact did it have on the power of the Church?
Wednesday:  The 2nd Great Schism
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 378-379 and write a response to the following:
    • What were the major causes of the Hundred Years War?  How did this war differ from earlier medieval wars?
Thursday:  The Hundred Years War
  • Homework (due Wednesday):
    • Thesis, outline, and bibliography due

Ancient World 7th Period

Monday:  Wrapping up the Crusades
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  Work on your papers
Wednesday:  The Late Middle Ages:  the Black Death
  • Homework (due Thursday): read pages 378-380 (stop at "Recovery:  The Renaissance") and write responses to the following:
    • what caused the Great Schism of the Catholic Church?  What impact did it have on the power of the Church?
    • What were the major causes of the Hundred Years War?  How did this war differ from earlier medieval wars?
Thursday:  The 2nd Great Schism and the Hundred Years War
  • Homework (due Wednesday):
    • Thesis, outline, and bibliography due

Military History, 5th Period

Monday:  Lessons from Napoleon

Tuesday:  Industrialization and the American Civil War

Wednesday:  NERF--dress appropriately

Modern World History, 6th Period

Monday:  Japan and Latin America during the Interim
  • Homework (due Wednesday): read pages 725-730 (stop at "The Stalinist Era in the Soviet Union") and write a response to the following:
    • What are the characteristics of fascism?  What enabled Mussolini and Hitler to successfully take over their respective governments?
    Wednesday:  Fascism, Mussolini, and Hitler
    • Homework (due Thursday)read pages 730-737 (stop at "WWII") and write a response to the following:
      • Was the outbreak of World War II inevitable or could it have been prevented?  Be specific and support your answer.
    Thursday:  The Coming of World War II
    • Homework (due Wednesday):  
      • Thesis, outline, and bibliography due

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