Monday, April 7, 2014

Ancient World History Chapter 12: Early and High Middle Ages Test Review

Test Date:  Friday, April 11

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will choose ONE of them—and answer it, (55 points total)
What is this test on?
This test is on Chapter 12 of your textbook and all related material

What do I need to know?
You are responsible for knowing the following:

  • The major institutions of early Medieval Europe, including:
    • Feudalism—terms associated with it; how it worked; advantages and disadvantages
    • Manorialism—what made up a manor; purpose it served; relationship to feudalism
    • Warfare—how wars/battles were fought and why; technology; characteristics of warriors/soldiers
    • The Church—spiritual, political, and social roles; the hierarchy; powers of the Pope
    • Kingship—characteristics of kings; power of kings
    • The re-emergence of towns and new technologies
    • Characteristics and examples of the culture of the early and high middle ages

  • Major historical people, events, details, and developments that pertain to the following:
    • The transition from the Roman Empire to early Medieval Europe
    • King Clovis and the Merovingian Dynasty
    • Charles Martel and the Battle of Tours
    • The Carolingian Dynasty; Charlemagne; the Carolingian Empire and its fate
    • The Vikings and their significance
    • Anglo-Saxon England and the Norman Conquest
    • The Crusades—primarily the causes and major events of the first Crusade

  • Examples of continuities and changes from the early middle ages to the high middle ages

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