Monday, April 7, 2014

Military History Early Modern Warfare through Napoleon Test Review

Test Date:  Friday, April 11

 15 multiple choice (3 points each), 45 points
·      1 essay (choice of two questions), 55 point

What you need to know:

16th and 17th Century Warfare:
·      The Military Revolution Thesis
o   The four aspects of the Military Revolution thesis, as put forth by Michael Roberts and Geoffrey Parker, including Parker’s “adjustments” to Roberts’ original thesis

·      The emergence, development, and and significance of firearms and artillery from the late 15th-through the early 19th century

·      The characteristics and significance of the trace itallienne and subsequent siege warfare

·      The relationship between military developments and other developments of the early modern period (exploration, religion, science, etc.)

·      The characteristics of naval warfare from the battle of Lepanto through the Spanish Armada, including

o   Ship design and weaponry
o   Tactics and strategy
o   The use of private vessels vs. state controlled navies
o   Details and significance of Lepanto and the Armada Campaign 

·      The causes and major events of the 30 Years War/significance of the 30 Years War
·      The Spanish/continental military system at the start of the 30 Years War
o   The tercio and caracole

·      The military system of Gustavus Adolphus and its application during the 30 Years War
o   Details of the Battle of Breitenfeld
o   Details of the Battle of Lutzen

·      The overall significance of the 30 Years War

18th Century Warfare:
  • The influence of the Enlightenment
  • 18th century linear tactics
  • 18th century military technology:  significance of the fusil/flintlock; artillery

  •  The rise of Prussian Power and the 2nd half of the 18th century
    • The Prussian state
    • The Prussian army under Frederick the Great
      • Major events and significance of the 7 Years War
      • Details on the battles of Prague, Rossbach, and Leuthen
 Revolutionary War:
·  Major events and significance of the American Revolutionary War
o   Continuities of 18th century warfare
o   Changes from 18th century warfare

  • The impact of the French Revolution on war
    • The levee en masse
    • Nationalism
    • The rise of Napoleon
The early 19th Century
            The Napoleonic Wars:
  • The principles of Napoleonic warfare, including tactics and organization
  • The influence of Napoleon

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