Thursday, April 3, 2014

Modern World History World War I and 1920's Test Review

Test Date:  Monday, April 7th

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points (45 points total)
  • 2 response questions, you choose 1, each worth 55 points

Material:  chapter 23 and all related class material:

  • The major causes leading up to WWI, including
  • Nationalism
  • Militarism
  • The alliance system
    • the triple entente--Britain, France, and Russia
    • the triple alliance--Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy
  • The war plans and their details
    • The Schlieffen plan; Plan XVII (17)
  • The European’s perception of what war would be like
  • The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand

  • 1914:
    • The launching of the Schlieffen Plan, the Battle of the Marne, the Race to the Sea 
  • 1915:
    • The 2nd battle of Ypres (first poison gas)
    • The Gallipoli campaign--it's goal
    • The sinking of the Lusitania (submarine warfare and it's significance)
  • 1916:
    • The Battles of Verdun and the Somme
      • WW I as a war of attrition
      • First use of tanks
        • purpose of the tank, effectiveness of the tank
  • 1917:
    • United States entry into the War
      • causes--loans, unrestricted submarine warfare, Zimmerman note
      • U.S. military build-up
    • The Russian collapse and Russian revolution
      • toll of the war on Russia, abdication of the Tsar; ermergence of Lenin; the communist revolution, the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
  • 1918
    • The conclusion of the war--the German Spring offensives and the failure of the German army in August 1918
    • The Armistice, November 11, 1918
  • The Peace Process
    • The Big Four
    • Goals of Clemenceau and Lloyd George
      • Punishments for Germany
        • Reparations
        • Force depletion
        • War guilt
    • Goals of Woodrow Wilson
      • Main themes of Wilson's 14 Points
        • No alliances
        • Freedom of the seas
        • Self-Determination
        • League of Nations
    • The Treaty of Versailles and reaction to it
  • The 1920's
    • Conditions in Europe vs. the United States
    • The "Roaring" 20's
      • U.S. economic prosperity and Prohibition
    • The Stock Market Crash and Great Depression
      • Causes
      • Reactions
      • Global effects
    • Art and culture of the Post WW I years
      • Pessimism

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