Ancient World 4th Period
Monday: The Renaissance- Homework (due Tuesday): Work on your papers
Tuesday: The Renaissance, continued and the Han Dynasty
- Homework (due Wednesday): Work on your papers--optional rough draft due
Wednesday: The Han Dynasty and the Period of the Three Kingdoms
- Homework (due Thursday): read pages 269-272 (stop at "The Song Dynasty") and write a response to the following:
- in what ways do the Sui and Tang dynasties resemble the Qin and Han Dynasties? Be specific.
Thursday: The Sui and Tang Dynasties
- Homework (due Friday): read pages 272-278 and write a response to the following:
- What were the major characteristics of the Song Dynasty? How does it differ from the previous dynasties of China?
Friday: The Song Dynasty
- Homework (due Monday): read pages 279-282 and write a response to the following:
- What were the major social characteristics of China during this period? In what ways was it similar to the China of the past? In what ways different?
Ancient World 7th Period
Monday: The Hundred Years War continued and the Renaissance
- Homework (due Wednesday): Work on your papers--optional rough draft due
Wednesday: The Renaissance, continued and the Han Dynasty
- Homework (due Thursday): read pages 269-272 (stop at "The Song Dynasty") and write a response to the following:
- in what ways do the Sui and Tang dynasties resemble the Qin and Han Dynasties? Be specific.
Thursday: The Han, Sui, and Tang Dynasties
- Homework (due Friday): read pages 272-278 and write a response to the following:
- What were the major characteristics of the Song Dynasty? How does it differ from the previous dynasties of China?
Friday: The Song Dynasty
- Homework (due Monday): read pages 279-282 and write a response to the following:
- What were the major social characteristics of China during this period? In what ways was it similar to the China of the past? In what ways different?
Military History, 5th Period
Monday: Concluding the Civil WarTuesday: Nerf--dress appropriately
Wednesday: Warfare in the late 19th Century
Friday: Warfare in the early 20th Century--Beginning World War I
Modern World History, 6th Period
Monday: World War II Begins
- Homework (due Wednesday): Work on your papers--optional rough drafts due
Wednesday: World War II continued
- Homework (due Thursday): work on your papers
Thursday: World War II continued
- Homework (due Friday): read pages 741-743 (stop at "The New Order" and write a response to the following:
- What factors ultimately enabled the Allied forces to achieve victory in World War II? How did the ending of this war differ from that of World War I?
Friday: The End of the War
- Homework (due Monday): read pages 743-749 (stop at "The Home Front" and write a response to the following:
- why did atrocities, such as the Holocaust, occur? How were the Nazis and Japanese able to carry out such acts on such a large scale? What lessons can be learned from this?