Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Ancient World History Chapter 1 Fertile Crescent Test Review

Test date:  Monday, September 16th

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 1 essay response (choice of two questions):  55 points total

What is this test on?
This test is on Chapter 1 of your textbook and all related material covered in class.

What do I need to know?
You are responsible for knowing the following:

  • The development and major characteristics of early humanity, focusing primarily on the developments concerning homo sapiens and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle of the Paleolithic Age

  • The significance of the Neolithic Revolution (including when it happened), the development of agriculture, and the emergence and major characteristics of civilization

  • Specific knowledge of all of the Fertile Crescent civilizations covered:
    • Sumer and the Sumerians; the Akkadian Empire; the 1st Babylonian Empire; Egypt; the Hittites; the Phoenicians; the Hebrews/Isrealites/Jews; the Assyrians; the Chaldean/New Babylonian Empire.  For each you should know the relevant:
      • Major events in each of their histories
      • Significant people
      • Major characteristics of each of the civilizations (as relevant:  religion, government, class structure, technology, etc.)
      • Major cities
      • Significant geographic features

  • The difference between a primary source and a secondary source and how to make use of a primary source
    • The primary sources from your textbook assigned and discussed in class

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