Thursday, February 28, 2013

U.S. History Civil War/Reconstruction Test Review

This test on the Civil War (chapter 14) and Reconstruction (chapter 15)

Test date:  Monday, March 4th

Civil War:

The American Civil War:
  • Causes of the war
  • Napoleonic influence
  • Major technological changes and role of technology in the war
  • Comparisons between the North and the South
  • Strategies and tactics of each side
  • Major commanders for each side
  • The details and significance of the following battles and campaigns:
    • First Bull Run, The Valley Campaign, Antietam, Chancellorsville, Gettysburg, Vicksburg, the Wilderness Campaign, the marches of Sherman and Sheridan
  • The Civil War as “proto-total war”—role of resources and civilians

  • Lincoln's outline for Reconstruction and the impact of his assassination
  • Presidential Reconstruction under President Johnson
    • Aspects of Johnson's reconstruction
  • Congress and Presidential Reconstruction
    • The Freedman's Bureau
    • The Civil Rights Act
    • The 14th Amendment
    • The Election of 1866
    • The role and experience of Freedmen during Reconsruction
  • Radical Reconstruction
    • Congressional goals of Reconcstruction
    • The Reconsrtruction Act of 1867
    • The Tenure of Office Act and the Impmeachment of Johnson
    • The Election of 1868 and President Grant
    • The 15th Amendment
    • Scalawags and Carpetbaggers
    • Sharecropping
  • The End of Reconstruction
    • Southern Resistance and the Ku Klux Klan
    • Federal Response to the KKK
    • The Grant administration and chagning attitudes towards Reconstruction
    • The Elections of 1872 and 1877
    • The Legacy of Reconstrution

Format:  15 multiple choice (3 pts each), 45 points; 2 essay questions (choose 1); 55 points.

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