Friday, March 1, 2013

Byzantine/Islam Test Review AND Important Announcement

Attention:  Ancient World History PEEP Projects Are Now Due Tuesday, March 5th

Now, for the test review stuff . . .

Byzantine Empire/Dar al-Islam Test Review:

This test will cover the following:
  • Chapters 13 (the Byzantine Empire) and 7 (Islam) and all related material covered in class
Test Date:  Wednesday, March 6

You are responsible for knowing the following:

  • The major aspects of the Byzantine Empire from the reign of Justinian through the Macedonian Dynasty
    • Characteristics of Justinian’s reign and the major figures associated with him
    • The Byzantine Empire’s relationship with other regions (western Europe, Eastern Europe, and the Dar al-Islam)
    • The institutions of the Byzantine Empire
      • The Church
      • The military—organization, the cataphract, The Strategikon, etc.
    • The emergence of the Orthodox Church
    • Significance of the Macedonian Dynasty

  • The major aspects of Islam and the emergence of the Dar al-Islam:
    • Major characteristics of pre-Islamic Arabia
    • The life and significance of Muhammad, emphasizing his role as the prophet and leader of the Dumma
    • The significance of the Quran and Hadith (you should be familiar with the excerpts we discussed in class)
    • The major aspects of Islam, including the 5 pillars (you should know the Arabic terms)
    • The emergence of the Dar al-Islam after Muhammad, including the territory it covered
    • The division between Sunni and Shia
    • Major characteristics, similarities and differences between the Umayyad and Abbasid dynasties
    • Major cultural, social, and artistic characteristics and accomplishments of the Dar al-Islam

Format:  15 Multiple choice questions (3 points each); 1 essay (choice of 2, 55 points)

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