Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Ancient World Ch. 5 Roman Empire Test Review

This test covers chapter 5, pages 130-153
Test Date:  Thursday, February 7th

The Transformation from Republic to Empire:
  • The impacts of Roman expansion
  • The major people during the Civil War period
    • Sulla vs. Marius
    • The First Triumvirate
      • Pompey
      • Crassus
      • Julius Caesar
        • Caesar's Gallic Wars
        • The Battle of Pharsal
    • The Second Triumvirate
      • Octavian
      • Mark Antony (and Cleopatra)
      • Marcus Lepidus
        • The Battle of Actium
The Roman Empire:
  • Significance of Augustus Caesar
    • Political and military reforms
  • The Emperors of the Pax Romana
    • Significant emperors (i.e.—those discussed specifically in class)
    • You do not need to know specific dates for each emperor, but you do need to know which “line” a specific emperor belongs to: for example, you should know that Tiberius was a Julio-Claudian emperor while Trajan was an Antonine emperor

  • Characteristics of Roman society and culture, including aspects of daily life and significant artistic, literary, and scientific achievements

The Final Centuries:
  • Problems of the 3rd century
  • Significance of Diocletian and his policies
    • Military reforms, division of the Empire, the Tetrarchy, and the Great Persecution
  • Significance of Constantine
    • Civil War with Maxentius, the Battle of Mulvian Bridge
    • The Edict of Milan, Constantinople, the Council of Nicaea
  • The origin and spread of early Christianity (from the first century to the 4th century)
    • The role of Rome in early Christianity
    • The impact of Christianity in Rome
    • Emperor Theodosius
  • The Germanic migrations/invasions
    • Various groups
      • Huns; Goths, Vandals, Angles, Saxons, Franks
    • Aspects of Germanic culture
    • Impact on Rome
      • The Battle of Adrianople
  • Causes of the fall/transformation of the western Roman Empire

What is the format of the test?
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will pick one—worth 55 points

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