Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Week 24: February 18-22

Ancient World

Tuesday:  Muhammad and the Beginnings of Islam
Homework (due Wednesday):  none

 Wednesday: The Dar al-Islam after Muhammad
Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 190-193 (stop at "The Crusades") and write are response to the following:  in what ways was the Abbasid dynasty different from the Umayyads?  How did those differences contribute to its success?

Thursday:  The Abbasid Dynasty
Homework (due Friday):  read pages 195 (beginning with "Andalusia")-200 (stop at "Islamic Society") and write a response to the following:  what were the major characteristics of Andalusia?  What were the major characteristics of Andalusia?  How did it change over time?

Friday:  Andalusia and Islamic Civilization
Homework (due Monday):  Primary document readings; be prepared for a quiz on Monday.

Modern World

Tuesday:  Imperialism in India and S.E. Asia

Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 624-629 and write a response to the following:  what were the primary causes of the "scramble for Africa?"

Wednesday: The Scramble for Africa

Homework (due Friday):  read pages 630-634 and write a response to the following:  what were the major characteristics of anti-colonial resitance movements?  How successful were they in the late 19th/early 20th centuries?

Friday:  Resistance

Homework (due Monday)  read pages 637-641 (stop at "Efforts at Reform") and write a response to the following:  why were the Qing unable to deal with the crises it faced in the early/mid 19th century?

United States History

Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period:  The Major Battles, part 1

Homework:  none

Wednesday 5th perod/Thursday 6th period:  The Major Battles, part 2

Homework (due Friday):  read pages 444-453 and write a response to the following:  how did the nature of the war change from 1864-1865?  How signfificant were General Sherman's actions in redefining the war?

Friday:  The Hard Hand of War

Homework (due Monday):  begin reviewing chapter 14; test date TBA

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