Sunday, January 13, 2013

Week 19: January 14-18

Ancient World

Monday:  The Punic Wars, Part I
Homework (due Tuesday): None
Tuesday:  The Punic Wars, Part II
Homework (due Wednesday):  Review for Friday's Test
Wednesday:  The Punic Wars, Concluded; The Republic after the Punic Wars

Homework (due Thursday):  Review for Friday's Test

Thursday:  The Republic after the Punic Wars, Continued

Homework (due Friday): Review for Friday's Test

Friday:  Test on Chapter 4, pages 124-132

Homework (due Monday):  None

Modern World

Monday:  The Later Industrial Revolution

Homework (due Tuesday):  Review for Wednesday's test--Review Guide is here:

Tuesday:  The Industrial "-Isms" and the Spread of Industrialization

Homework (due Wednesday):  Review for Wednesday's test

Wednesday:  Industrial Revolution Test

Homework (due Tuesday, January 22):  read pages 576-581 and write a response to the following:  what the major causes of revolutions in Latin America in the early 19th century?  How successful were they in bringing real change to the societies there?

United States History

Monday:  The Election of 1828

Homework (due Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period):  Review for the test

Review guide can be found here:

Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period:  The Jacksonian Presidency

Homework (due Wednesday 5th period/due Thursday 6th period):  Review for the test

Wednesday 5th period/Thursday 6th period:  Test on U.S. Industrial-Market Revolution/Democratic Revolution/Jackson's Presidency

Homework (due Friday): read pages 347-355 (stop at "The Women's Rights Movement") and write a response to the following:  what led to the abolitionist movement in the early 1800's and what challenges did it face?

Friday:  The Abolitionist Movement

Homework (due Tuesday, 5th period/Wednesday 6th period):  read pages 355-360 and write a response to the following:  who were the major leaders of the women's rights movement of the mid-late 19th century and what did they contribute to the early women's movement in the United States?

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