Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Ancient World History Early Rome Test Review

This Test Covers:
  • Chapter 5 through the Punic Wars and all related class material 
Specific Topics:

The Republic:
  • Geography of Rome, including the geographic extent of the Roman Republic
  • The Etruscans and their impact on Rome
  • The establishment of the Republic and its system of government
    • The different "branches" and their roles in the governmen (including the different types)
    • The Struggle of the Orders and it's impact on the Roman government
  • The recruitment, organization, weapons, and tactics of the Roman Army
    • You need to know the different units that made up the army, from the tent party to the legion; you do not need to know the number of soldiers that made up each unit.  For example:  you should know that a century was smaller than a maniple.  You do not need to know how many men made up a century or a maniple.
  • The Punic Wars
    • The causes and major characteristics of the first Punic War
    • Major battles, people, and strategies of the second Punic War,  including the details and significance of
      • The battles of Trebia, Lake Trasimane, Cannae, and Zama
o   The causes, outcome, and significance of the 3rd Punic War

Test Format:
  • 15 Multiple choice questions, 3 points each (45 points)
  • 1 Essay response (choice of 2 questions), 55 points

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