Friday, January 11, 2013

Modern World Industrial Revolution Test Review

Modern World History

The Industrial Revolution Review—Mr. Layne

Test Date:
Wednesday, January 16th

Material Covered:  pages 542-557 of chapter 19

  • The major characteristics and developments of the Industrial Revolution, including
    • Changes to agriculture and the impacts of industrial farming
    • Why Industrialization began in Britain
    • Major industrial technological developments and their significance (example:  the flying shuttle; the steam engine)
    • Social and cultural impacts of Industrialization
·      Changes to the concept of work and the role of the factory
·      The emergence of the labor movement
·      The role of government industrialization
·      The emergence of new “isms” such as socialism and communism

    • The spread of Industrialization beyond Britain

Test Format:
  • 10 multiple choice questions, each worth 2 points (20 points total)
  • 1 response question, 30 points

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