Monday, February 3, 2014

Ancient World History Chapter 5 Test Review

Test Date:  Friday, February 7

Format:  15 multiple choice questions (3 pts. each); 2 essay questions (choose ONE, 55 pts.)

What is this test on?
This test is on the late Roman Republic and the Roman Empire. Relevant textbook material is chapter 5, pages 129-153.  You should also review the primary documents assigned to you earlier.

The Late Roman Republic:
  • The impacts of Roman expansion after the 2nd and 3rd Punic Wars
    • Role of the army
    • Division between wealthy and poor
  • The major people during the Civil War period
    • Sulla vs. Marius
      • Marius' military reforms
      • Sulla's political reforms
    • The First Triumvirate
      • Background of Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar
      • Significance of the Gallic War and the 2nd Civil War between Caesar and Pompey
        • The battle of Pharsalus
      • Caesar's political reforms and the motives for his assassination.
    • The Second Triumvirate
      • Background of Octavian, Antony/Cleopatra, and Lepidus

The Roman Empire
  • Significance of Augustus Caesar
  • The Emperors of the Pax Romana
    • Significant emperors (i.e.—those discussed specifically in class)
    • You do not need to know specific dates for each emperor, but you do need to know which “line” a specific emperor belongs to: for example, you should know that Tiberius was a Julio-Claudian emperor while Trajan was an Antonine emperor
  • Characteristics of Roman society and culture, including aspects of daily life and significant artistic, literary, and scientific achievements
  • Problems of the 3rd century
  • Significance of Diocletian and his policies
    • The division of the Empire
    • The Great Persecution
  • Significance of Constantine
    • Civil War vs. Maxentius
    • The Edict of Milan and the Council of Nicaea
  • The origin and spread of early Christianity (from the first century to the 4th century)
    • The role of Rome in early Christianity
    • The impact of Christianity in Rome
  • The Barbarian migrations/invasions
    • Various groups
    • Aspects of barbarian culture
    • Impact on Rome

  • Causes of the fall/transformation of the western Roman Empire and comparisons with the Han Dynasty

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