Monday, August 26, 2013

Week 2: August 26-30

Ancient World 4th Period

Monday:  The Land Between the Rivers
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  read pages 13-16 (stop at "Egyptian Civilization") and write a response to the following: 
    •  identify three major cultural contributions of Mesopotamia and then explain which one you think is the most significant and why.
Tuesday:  The Culture of Early Mesopotamia
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 16-21 (stop at "Disorder and a New Order:  The New Kingdom") and write a response to the following: 
    •  in what ways did geography impact the formation of Egyptian society?  How did geography continue to influence Egypt's development during the Old and Middle Kingdoms?
Wednesday:  The Gift of the Nile
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 21-24 (stop at "New Centers of Civilization") and write a response to the following:  
    • how did Egypt change from the Middle Kingdom to the New Kingdom?  What was cause of those changes?
Thursday:  The New Kingdom
  • Homework (due Friday):  read pages 24-29 (stop at "The Rise of New Empires") and write a response to the following:  
    • in what ways were the Hebrews influenced by Mesopotamian culture?  In what ways were they unique?
Friday:  The Outliers
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  None

Ancient World 7th Period

Monday:  The Land Between the Rivers
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 13-16 (stop at "Egyptian Civilization") and write a response to the following: 
    •  identify three major cultural contributions of Mesopotamia and then explain which one you think is the most significant and why.
Wednesday:  The Culture of Early Mesopotamia
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 16-24 (stop at "New Centers of Civilization") and write a response to the following: 
    •  in what ways did geography impact the formation of Egyptian society?  How did geography continue to influence Egypt's development during the Old and Middle Kingdoms?
    •  how did Egypt change from the Middle Kingdom to the New Kingdom?  What was cause of those changes?
Thursday:  Egypt:  The Gift of the Nile
  • Homework (due Friday):  read pages 24-29 (stop at "The Rise of New Empires") and write a response to the following:  
    • in what ways were the Hebrews influenced by Mesopotamian culture?  In what ways were they unique?
Friday:  The Outliers
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  Book Review Book Due

Military History, 5th Period

Monday:  Clausewitz vs. Keegan
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  Readings on Strategy and Tactics
Tuesday:  Strategy and Tactics
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  Readings on Weapons (part I)
Wednesday:  Weapons
  • Homework (due Friday):  Readings on Weapons (part II)
Friday:  Weapons, continued 
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  None

Modern World History, 6th Period

Monday:  Conquest of the New World
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  none
Wednesday:  Colonizing the New World
  • Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 406-413 (stop at "Southeast Asia in the Era of the Spice Trade") and write a response to the following:
    • what role did Africans play in supporting the African slave trade?  How critical was their participation to the success of the slave trade?
Thursday:  The Slave Trade
  • Homework (due Friday):  read pages 413-419 and write a response to the following:
    • Compare the Western impact on South East Asia during this period with it's impact on the Americas and Africa.  Why was the South East Asian experience so different?
Friday:  South East Asia
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 422-425 (stop at "Martin Luther and the Reformation of Germany") and write a response to the following:
    • what were the three major changes/characteristics of 16th century Europe, and which do you consider to be the most important?  Why?

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