Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Ancient and Modern World Book Review Project

Ancient and Modern World History
Mr. Layne
Project Explanation and Directions, Marking Period 1

What is the project?

Ancient World:  select and read a book by a modern historian that is related to Ancient World history (history to 1500) and write a critical review of that book.

Modern World:  select and read a book by a modern historian that is related to Modern World history (1500-Present) and write a critical review of that book.

What is the purpose of this project?
This project has many purposes.  They are:
  • To expose you to secondary historical literature
  • To teach you the role that secondary literature plays in the understanding of history
  • To enable you to develop and hone your critical reading and writing skills
  • To give you the opportunity to explore and investigate an historical topic that you find interesting and would like to know more about

How much of my grade is this project worth?
This project will be worth 35% of your marking period grade

How will this project be graded?
You will be graded on the following criteria:
  • Meeting due dates
  • Correct spelling, grammar, and formatting
  • Effective critical evaluation of your secondary source
  • Overall substance of the review
  • Strength of conclusions

What is a critical book review, and how do I write one?
A critical book review does the following:
  • it identifies and discusses the historian’s thesis (the question the book is answering or the argument that it is making)
  • it briefly summarizes the main points of the book
  • it examines and evaluates the evidence (sources) used by the historian to prove the thesis (what kinds of sources does the historian rely on?  Does the historian cite their sources?  Did they include a bibliography?)
  • it examines the conclusions made by the historian to see if they are relevant to the thesis and supported by the evidence
  • it points out any shortcomings the book has regarding all of the above (problems with the thesis, lack of evidence, problems with interpretations of evidence, problems with the conclusion, etc.)
 How long does this review need to be, and how should it be formatted?
Your book review should be between 500-750 words (approximately 2-3 pages).  The paper should be double-spaced, stapled, and typed in 12 pt. Times New Roman font.  Any attempt to make your paper appear longer than it actually is (large font, weird spacing, etc.) will result in your grade being penalized. 

The review itself is essentially written like an essay.  You are to provide a bibliographic entry for the book at the very beginning of the review, like this:

John Keegan, The Face of Battle:  A Study of Agincourt, Waterloo, and the Somme, New York:  Penguin Books, 1978, 365 pages, bibliography, index.

You then proceed to review the book.  You will need a thesis (your view of the book—what it is about, what it does well, and what it is lacking).  You will need to back up your thesis with evidence—material from the book that you use to back up your thesis. You therefore need to cite the book as you review it.  To do so, simply use parenthetical documentation, like this (Keegan, 261).  Finally, you must draw conclusions about the book

Are there requirements for the type of book I can choose? 
Yes.  The book needs to be a scholarly work of history published sometime during the last 50 years (the 1960s and up) that is at least 250 pages in length.  The book can be about anything relating to world history to 1500 or from 1500-present depending on which class you are in--Ancient or Modern (including topics we haven’t studied yet).  You will need to submit your choice to me for final approval (I’m also glad to help you figure out topics/books that may be of interest to you—just let me know).

When is the review due?
You have several due dates—one for your book, one for an optional rough draft, and one for the finished review.  Those dates are:
  • Wednesday, Sept. 4th :  Book due for my approval (you may submit it prior to that date if you wish)
  • Friday, September 27th:  Due date for rough drafts (optional)
  • Friday, October 4th:  Finished review is due in class.

What if I have more questions?
Ask me—at the beginning or end of class, in the halls, via email, whatever—just ask.

Honors Students:
  • Your book should be a minimum of 300 pages in length, and you will also prepare a presentation on the book which you will present to the class.
Grading Rubric:
This is the rubric I will be using to grade your book review.  You can use it a checklist of sorts to make sure your review meets all of the requirements.  Make sure you are looking at the correct one for you--college prep or honors.

Book Review Grading Rubric
Mr. Layne
College Prep

Student Name:  ______________________________________

Formatting—20 pts.
    • Spelling and grammar—10 pts
    • Spacing and formatting—10 pts


Elements of the book review—80 points
o   Identifies/addresses the author’s purpose/thesis—10 pts
o   Provides a brief summary of the book—10 pts
o   Discusses use of evidence by the author—10 pts
o   Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the book—10 pts
o   Refers to specific aspects of the book to substantiate the review—10 pts
o   Overall quality of the review—30 pts


Final Grade:_________


Book Review Grading Rubric
Mr. Layne

Student Name:  ______________________________________

Formatting—20 pts.
    • Spelling and grammar—10 pts
    • Spacing and formatting—10 pts


Elements of the book review—70 points
o   Identifies/addresses the author’s purpose/thesis—10 pts
o   Provides a brief summary of the book—10 pts
o   Discusses use of evidence by the author—10 pts
o   Discusses the strengths and weaknesses of the book—10 pts
o   Refers to specific aspects of the book to substantiate the review—10 pts
o   Overall quality of the book review—20 pts



Presentation—10 pts. 
o   Identifies and explains author’s thesis—2 pts
o   Provides a brief summary of the book—2 pts.
o   Discusses the author’s use of evidence and conclusion(s)—2 pts.
o   Discusses the book’s strengths and weaknesses—2 pts.
o   Question/answer—2 pts.


Final Grade:_________


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