Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Week 30: April 1-5

Ancient World

Tuesday:  1066
Homework (due Wednesday): none
Wednesday:  The End of the Early Middle Ages and an examination of Feudalism
Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 335-342 (stop at England in the High Middle Ages) and write a response to the following:  in what ways, based on this reading, did the High Middle Ages differ from the Early Middle Ages?  What brought about these changes?
Thursday:  The High Middle Ages:  Society
Homework (due Friday):  read pages 342-350 (stop at "The Culture of the High Middle Ages") and write a response to the following:  in what ways, according to this reading, did religion change from the Early Middle Ages through the High Middle Ages?  What brought about these changes?
Friday:  Religion in the High Middle Ages
Homework (due Monday): read pages 350-355 and write a response to the following:  what were the major intellectual and cultural developments of the High Middle Ages, and how do those accomplishments still impact us today?

Modern World
Tuesday:  The Great War, 1916

Homework (due Wednesday):  None
Wednesday:  The Great War at Home and "Total War"
Homework (due Friday):  none
Friday:  1917
Homework (due Monday):  read pages 682-686 (stop at "An Uncertain Peace") and write a response to the following:  what were the primary goals of President Wilson during the peace process in 1918-1919?  How successful was he at achieving those goals?

United States History

Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period:  The United States and World War I

Homework (due Wednesday 5th period; Thursday 6th period):  read pages 673-679 and write a response to the following:  how important was American involvement in determining the outcome of WW I?  Why?
Wednesday 5th period/Thursday 6th period:  Deciding World War I
Homework (due Friday):  read pages 680-691 (stop at Moral Reform, Family Welfare, and Prohibition) and write a response to the following:  what is the relationship between WWI and the Women's Movement?  Do you think the 19th Amendment could have happened without World War I?
Friday:  The Social and Cultural Impacts of World War I
Homework (due Monday):  read pages 691-698 (stop at "Racial Strife . . .") and write a response to the following:  how effective was Wilson's influence on the peace process to end World War I?  How was he viewed as a leader in the aftermath of the treaty negotiations?


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