Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Ancient World History Early and High Middle Ages Test Review

Test Date:  Friday, April 19

What is this test on?
This test is on Chapter 12 of your textbook and all related material

Format:  15 multiple choice questions (3 points each); choice of 2 essay questions (pick one).

What do I need to know?

  • The major institutions of early Medieval Europe, including:
    • Feudalism—terms associated with it; how it worked; advantages and disadvantages
    • Manorialism—what made up a manor; purpose it served; relationship to feudalism (see pages 334-335 of your textbook)
    • Warfare—how wars/battles were fought and why; technology; characteristics of warriors/soldiers
    • The Church—spiritual, political, and social roles; the hierarchy
    • Kingship—characteristics of kings; power of kings
    • The re-emergence of towns and new technologies
    • The medieval university and the culture of the early and high middle ages

  • Major historical people, events, and developments, including:
    • The transition from the Roman Empire to early Medieval Europe
    • King Clovis and the Merovingian Dynasty
    • Charles Martel and the Battle of Tours
    • The Carolingian Dynasty; Charlemagne; the Carolingian Empire and its fate
    • The Vikings and their significance
    • Anglo-Saxon Britain and the Norman Conquest
    • The Crusades
      • The First Crusade
        • The Battle of Manzikert, 1071
        • Alexius I's call for aid and Urban's response
        • Motivations for the Crusade
        • Major events:  Niceae, Dorylaum, Antioch, Jerusalem
      • The Third Crusade
        • Saladin and Richard
      • The Fourth-Eighth Crusades
      • The "Other" Crusades

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