Monday, April 22, 2013

United States History World War I and 1920's Test Review

This test on World War I (chapter 22) and the 1920's (chapter 23)
Test date:  Wednesday, April 24

World War I:
  • Overall causes of the war (MANIA)
  • General characteristics of warfare on the Western Front (trenches, no man's land, weapons, casualties, etc.)
  • The reasons for U.S. involvement
    • Unrestricted submarine warfare
    • Loans to Britain and France
    • Public sentiment (Lusitania, Zimmerman Note, etc)
  • U.S. participation in the war
    • increasing the size of the U.S. Army
    • military contributions in 1918
  • The home front
    • War Industries Board
    • Women at work
    • Propaganda/dealing with dissent (Espionage and Sedition Acts)
  • Wilson and the Peace
    • Wilson's 14 Points (especially the League of Nations)
    • The Treaty of Versailles and the treatment of Germany
    • U.S. reaction to the Treaty of Versailles
The 1920's:
  • The challenges of 1919
    • Racial tensions, labor tensions, immigrant tensions
  • U.S. Culture and Society following WW I
    • Economic Growth and consumerism
    • Jazz and silent films
  • Women and the 19th Amendment
  • The causes of the Great Depression
Format:  15 multiple choice (3 pts each), 45 points; 2 essay questions (choose 1); 55 points.

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