Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Week 14: Novmember 26-30

Ancient World

Monday:  Introduction to Footnotes
Homework:  practice footnotes on your own
Tuesday:  The Battle of Plataea
Homework:  read pages 103-104 (stop at "The Culture of Classical Greece") and write a response to the following:  what led to conflict between Athens and Sparta following their previous alliance against Persia?
  • Optional research paper rough drafts due
Wednesday:  The Peloponnesian War

Homework (due Thursday):  read pages 104-109 (stop at "Greek Religion") and write a response to the following:  what were the major characteristics of Greek culture?  How does Greek culture continue to impact our own culture today?

Thursday:  Greek Culture

Homework (due Friday): read pages 109-112 (stop at "The Rise of Macedon") and write a response to the following:  what were the major characteristics of Greek religious beliefs?  How did Greek religion reflect other social characteristics of Greek society?

Friday:  Greek Religion and Society

Homework (due Monday):  Read pages 112-114 (stop at "The World of the Hellenistic Kingdoms") and write a response to the following:  do you consider Alexander to be "Great"?  Why or why not?

Modern World

Monday:  The Napoleonic Wars

Homework (due Tuesday):  work on your research papers

Tuesday:  The Napoleonic Wars, concluded

Homework (due Wednesday): read pages 557 (begin with "Reaction and Revolution")-562 (stop at "Nationalism in the Balkans") and write a response to the following:  in what ways did the French Revolution continue to impact Europe in the decades after it was over?
  • Optional research paper rough drafts due 

 Wednesday:  The Wake of the French Revolution:  Politics in 19th Century Europe

Homework (due Friday):  read pages 562-563 and write a response to the following:  what was "the Eastern Question" and why did it matter to Europe?

Friday:  The Eastern Question and the Crimean War

Homework (due Monday):  read pages 564-566 (stop at "Nationalism and Reform") and write a response to the following:  what is "Realpolitik" and how did both Cavour and Bismarck represent this idea as they worked to unify their countries?


United States History

Monday:  Hamilton and the National Bank

Homework (due Tuesday 5th period/due Wednesday 6th period):  work on your research papers

  • Optional research paper rough drafts due Wednesday
Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period: 

Homework (due Wendsday 5th period/due Thursday 6th period):  read pages 218 ("The Jeffersonian Presidency"-  224 (stop at "The War of 1812") and write a response to the following: what challenges faced Jefferson's United States as it expanded?

Wednesday 5th period/Thursday 6th period:  The Jeffersonian Presidency

Homework (due Friday): read pages 224-228 (stop at "The Federalist Legacy" and write a response to the following: how did U.S. party politics impact the War of 1812 and how did the war of 1812 impact the Federalist party?

Friday:  The War of 1812 and the Death of the Federalists

Homework:  read pages 228-234 and write a response to the following:  in what ways did Federalist thinking live on in John Marshall and how did he impact both the Supreme Court and the United States?

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