Wednesday, November 7, 2012

United States History Chapter 6, Etc. Test Review

U.S. History
Mr. Layne
Chapter 6/Beginning of Chapter 7 Review Sheet

What is this test on?
This test is on all of Chapter 6 and part of Chapter 7 (to page 212) in your textbook and all related material covered in class.

What do I need to know?

Chapter 6:
·         Review pages 165-166 from chapter 5 about the Declaration of Independence
·         Comparison of the British Army and the Continental Army at the beginning of the Revolution
·         The perceptions, strategies, and advantages of the British army and the Continental Army

·         The major events/developments of the American Revolution, including
o   Saratoga
o   Valley Forge
o   Alliance with France
o   The war in the South
o   Yorktown
o   The surrender
o   The Peace of Paris
·         Major people, including
o   General George Washington
o   General Nathaniel Greene
o   General John Burgoyne
o   Baron von Steuben
o   General Francis Marion
o   General Cornwallis
o   Marquis de Lafayette

·         Reasons for the American Victory

·         The characteristics of the Articles of Confederation, including
o   Ideas behind its creation
o   Powers
o   Relationship with the states
o   Social and economic issues of the time
o   Role in territorial expansion
o   Impact of Shays Rebellion

·         The Constitutional Convention of 1787, including
o   Reason and purpose of the Convention
o   Characteristics of the Delegates and their actions
o   Plans and compromises, including     
§  The VA plan and New Jersey plan
§  The “Great Compromise”
§  The 3/5 Compromise
§  Other contents of the Constitution:  Supreme Court, Electoral College
·         The Ratification Process
o   Federalists vs. Anti-Federalists
o   Anti-Federalist demands

Chapter 7:
  • Hamilton’s economic policy and the establishment of the National Bank
  • Contrasting Views of Hamilton and Jefferson
  • The first cabinet (departments and secretaries)
  • The formation of political parties and their role in early Constitutional issues

What is the format of the test?
Whether you are taking this class or Honors credit or College Prep credit, the format will be the same (there will be variation in the questions):
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will choose ONE of them—and answer it, (55 points total)

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