Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Ancient World History Persia/Greek Study Guide

Ancient World History:  MP 2, Test 1 Review
Mr. Layne

Test Date:  Friday, December 7th

What does this test cover?

The Greeks, the Persians, the Macedonians, and their conflicts.  Relevant textbook material is chapters 1 (the section on Persia) and 4 in your textbook.

What do I need to know?

  • The major political, social, and cultural developments in Greece, including
    • Geographic features
    • The early Greeks (Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean)
    • The development and significance of the polis
    • Greek systems of government
    • Important people
    • Chronology of events
    • Cultural aspects and their significance (art, science, philosophy, etc.)

  • The major aspects of the Persian Empire
    • Geographic features
    • Important people
    • Chronology of the growth of the Persian Empire
    • Aspects of Persian government and administration
    • Zoroastrianism—Zarathustra; Ahura Mazda; Angra Mainyu; major beliefs and characteristics

  • The Persian War
    • Greek and Persian military practices
    • Causes of the wars
    • Chronology of events
    • Major battles and their significance
      • Marathon
      • Thermopylae
      • Salamis
      • Plataea
    • Important people
      • Herodotus
      • Miltiades
      • Leonidas
      • Ephialtes
      • Temistocles
      • Sicinnus
      • Artemesia
      • Pausanias
      • Mardonias

  • The Peloponnesian War
    • Causes of the war
      • The Delian League
      • The Long Walls
    • Chronology
    • Major events
      • The Spartan declaration of war
      • Athenian strategy
      • The plague of Athens
      • The Siege of Plataea
      • The Sicilian Expedition
      • The battle of Aegospotami
    • Important people
      • Thucydides
      • Pericles
      • Alcibiades
      • Lysander
    • Aftermath of the war and its significance
      • The Spartan Hegemony and the Battle of Leuctra

  • Macedonia, Alexander the Great, and the Hellenistic World
    • Aspects of Macedonian society (geography, political system, military, etc.)
    • Characteristics of Alexander
    • Major battles and their significance
    • The collapse of Alexander’s Empire and the successor states
    • Aspects of Hellenistic culture and its significance (science and technology; religion and philosophy)

What is the format of the test?
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points (45 points total)
  • 2 response questions, you choose 1, each worth 55 points

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