Sunday, October 21, 2012

Week 10: October 22-26

Ancient World

Monday:  The Persian Empire
  • Homework (due Tuesday): read pages 92-95 (stop at "The Greeks in a Dark Age") and write a response to the following:  what were the major differences (give and explain at least 3) between Minoan society and Mycenaen society?
Tuesday:  Early Greece
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 95-97 (stop at "A New Military System") and write a response to the following:  what were the major characteristics of the Greek polis, and what made it more than simply a "city-state?"
Wednesday:  The Dark Age and Archaic Greece
  • Homework (due Thursday):  Read pages 97-99 (stop at "Tyranny in the Greek Polis") and write a response to the following:  how did early Greek soldiers and armies differ from those of other civilizations we have studied? 

Thursday:  Hoplite Warfare
  • Homework (due Friday): read pages 100 (beginning with "Athens")-101 and write a response to the following:  how did Athenian government change from 700 B.C.E.-500 B.C.E. and impact do those changes have on the present day?

Friday: The Political Evolution of Athens
  • Homework (due Monday):  read pages 99 (beginning with "Sparta")-100 (stopping at "Athens") and write a response to the following:  what roles did women have in Sparta, and how do they compare with other civilizations treatment of women that we've studied?

Modern World

 Monday:  The Enlightenment
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  None.
Tuesday:  The Enlightenment and Culture
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  read pages 520 (starting with "British North America")-522 (stop at "Toward a New Political Order") and write a response to the following:  in what ways did the Enlightenment influence the American Revolution and the early United States?

Wednesday:  The "First Revolution"
  • Homework (due Friday):  read pages 522-525 (stop at "The French Revolution") and write a response to the following:  in what ways did absolute rulers make use of the Enlightenment?  How were they influenced by the Enlightenment?

Friday:  From Democracy to Absolutism
  • Homework (due Monday):  read pages 525-526 (stop at "From Estates General to National Assembly") and write a response to the following:  how would you describe the relationship between the 3 estates in France by the late 1780's?  What caused the relationship to be the way that it was?

United States History

Monday:  Beginning the American Revolution
  • Homework (due Tuesday, 5th period/due Wednesday, 6th period):  read pages 174-177 (stop at "the Path to Victory") and write a response to the following:  what role did women play during the American Revolution and how important was it to the war effort?

Tuesday 5th period/Wednesday 6th period:  The Early Struggle
  • Homework (due Wednesday, 5th period/due Thursday, 6th period):  read pages 177-183 and write are response to the following:  what were the primary factors that led to the Continental victory over the British? 
Wednesday 5th period/Thursday 6th period:  Endgame
  • Homework (Friday):  read pages 183-190 (stop at "Shay's Rebellion") and write a response to the following:  what were the major issues and questions facing the United States following their peace with the British in 1783?
Friday:  Now What?  After the Revolution .  .  .
  • Homework (due Monday):  read pages 190-195 (stop at "The People Debate Ratification") and write a response to the following:  how did Shay's Rebellion lead to the Philadelphia convention in 1787?

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