Monday, October 8, 2012

Modern World History Chapters 16 and 17 Test Review Sheet

Modern World History

Chapters 16 and 17 Review Sheet—Mr. Layne

Test Date:  Friday, October 12th

What is this test on? 
Chapters 16 and 17 of your textbook and all related material.

What do I need to know?
From Chapter 16:
  • Major aspects of the Ottoman Empire, including        
    • Significant people—including Osman, Mehmet II, Selim I, and Suleyman I and their accomplishments
    • Significant events, such as the conquest of Constantinople
    • The major characteristics of Ottoman rule including political organization and policies
    • The territories that the Ottomans ruled over and the diversity of their subjects
    • Aspects of Ottoman society (treatment of women, minorities, etc.)
    • Examples and characteristics of Ottoman art, culture, etc.

  • Major aspects of the Safavid and Mughal Dynasties, including
    • Significant people:  Shah Ismail; Babur; Akbar; Aurangzeb
    • Major characteristics of Safavid and Mughal rule, including political organization and policies
    • Territories governed by each Dynasty
    • Social characteristics (treatment of women, minorities, etc.)
    • Examples and characteristics of Safavid and Mughal art and culture

  • You should be able to compare and contrast the major elements of all 3 early modern Islamic Empires

From Chapter 17:
  • Major aspects of the Ming and Qing Dynasties of China, including
    • How each dynasty was established
    • The significance of Kangxi and Qianlong
    • Social aspects and daily life in China during this time
    • Major changes that affect China during this time (population, economics, etc) and the reasons for and consequences of those changes
    • The relationship between China and the rest of the world at this time

  • Major aspects of Tokugawa Japan, including
    • The establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate, including major people involved
    • Tokugawa political organization—role of the Diamyo and changing nature of the Samurai
    • The rise of cities and towns, and the changes (culture) that comes with them

  • You should be able to compare and contrast the major elements of China with Japan (and Korea and Vietnam as well).
 What is the format of the test?
Whether you are taking this class or Honors credit or College Prep credit, the format will be the same (there will be variation in the questions):
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 response questions, you pick ONE, worth 55 points

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