Monday, October 8, 2012

United States History Chapters 4 and 5 Test Review Sheet

U.S. History
Mr. Layne
Test 2 Review Sheet

Test Date:  Monday, October 15th

What is this test on?
This test is on Chapters 4-5 of your textbook and all related material covered in class.

What do I need to know?

Chapter 4: 

  • Demographic changes to the colonies in the early 18th century (the “2nd Wave” of immigrants)

  • The characteristics and impact of the Enlightenment in North America in early-mid 18th century
    • Importance of the ideas of John Locke and other philosophes
    • Ben Franklin as an American philosophe
  • The causes, characteristics, and significance of the Great Awakening
    • Roles of preachers such as Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield
    • The difference between Pietism and Deism
  • The Causes, major people and events, and consequences of the French and Indian War
    • Polices of Pitt the elder
    • Role of the colonists
    • The European and  “world war” aspect
    • British strategy
    • The outcome of the war and the Treaty of Paris, 1763

Chapter 5: 

  • Changes in British policy towards the colonies after 1763—the efforts to end salutary neglect
  • The significance of the British debt following the French and Indian war
  • British taxation policies in England and the Colonies, with a specific focus on the following:
    • The polices of George Grenville—the Currency and Sugar Acts, 1764
    • The Stamp Act, 1765—What it did, British reasoning, colonial response, outcome
      • Stamp Act Congress; the Sons of Liberty
      • The motivations and evolution of the resistance movement
    • Lord North and the Declaratory Act, 1766
    • The Townshend Acts, 1767—What they did, British reasoning, colonial response, outcome
    • The compromise of 1770
  • The escalation of British/colonial tensions
    • The Boston Massacre, March 1770
    • The formation of Committees of Correspondence
    • The Tea Act, 1773—What it did, British reasoning, colonial response, outcome
      • The Boston Tea Party, Dec. 1773
    • The Coercive Acts—Port Bil, Government Act, Quartering Act, Justice Act, (Quebec Act)
    • The (First) Continental Congress (1774) demands and British Response
    • Patriots and Loyalists by 1774—who was what
    • The Battles of Lexington and Concord—causes, outcome, significance
    • The 2nd Continental Congress and the outbreak of war  
What is the format of the test?
Whether you are taking this class or Honors credit or College Prep credit, the format will be the same (there will be variation in the questions):
  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will choose ONE of them—and answer it, (55 points total)

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