Sunday, November 9, 2014

Military History Military Revolution-18th Century Warfare

 15 multiple choice (3 points each), 45 points
1 essay (choice of two questions), 55 point

What you need to know:

16th and 17th Century Warfare:

The Military Revolution Thesis:  the four aspects of the Military Revolution thesis, as put forth by Michael Roberts and Geoffrey Parker, including Parker’s “adjustments” to Roberts’ original thesis:  new technology, larger armies, more complex tactics and strategies, higher cost of war

   The relationship between military developments and other developments of the early modern period (exploration, religion, science, etc.)

 The characteristics of naval warfare from the battle of Lepanto through the Spanish Armada, including

  • Ship design and weaponry
  • The use of private vessels vs. state controlled navies
  • Details and significance of Lepanto and the Armada Campaign 

  •  The causes and major events of the 30 Years War/significance of the 30 Years War
  •  The Spanish/continental military system at the start of the 30 Years War
  •  The tercio and caracole
  •   The military system of Gustavus Adolphus and its application during the 30 Years War
    •  Details of the Battle of Breitenfeld
    •  Details of the Battle of Lutzen
  • The overall significance of the 30 Years War

18th Century Warfare:
  • Louis XIV's Ministerial system
  • Vauban and the trace itallienne
  • The influence of the Enlightenment
  • 18th century linear tactics
  • 18th century military technology:  significance of the fusil/flintlock; artillery
  •  The rise of Prussian Power and the 2nd half of the 18th century
    • The Prussian state
    • The Prussian army under Frederick the Great
      • Details on the battles of Prague, Rossbach, and Leuthen
  • Major events and significance of the 7 Years/French and Indian War

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