Monday, January 13, 2014

Week 18: January 13-17

Ancient World 4th Period

Monday:  The Punic Wars continued
  • Homework (due Tuesday):  Study for the test
Tuesday:  The Punic Wars concluded
  • Homework (due Wednesday): Study for the test
Wednesday:  The Roman Civil Wars (not on the test)
  • Homework (due Thursday):  Study for the test
Thursday:  Test
  • Homework (due Friday):  None
Friday:  The Fall of the Roman Republic
  • Homework (due Tuesday): None

Ancient World 7th Period

Monday:  The Punic Wars concluded
  • Homework (due Wednesday):  study for the test
Wednesday:  The Roman Civil Wars and Fall of the Republic (not on the test)
  • Homework (due Thursday): Study for the Test
Thursday:  Test
  • Homework (due Friday):  None
Friday:  No class--half day
  • Homework (due Tuesday): None

Military History, 5th Period

Monday:  Fun with Siege Engines

Tuesday:  Sword/Nerf work (come dressed to move)

Wednesday:  Sword/Nerf work (come dressed to move)

Friday:  No class

Modern World History, 6th Period

Monday:  Slavery in the U.S.
  • Homework (due Wednesday): Study for the test
Wednesday:  The American Civil War
  • Homework (due Thursday):  study for the test
Thursday:  Test
  • Homework (due Friday): None
Friday:  No class
  • Homework (due Wednesday, January 22):  read pages 589-596 (stop at "Cultural Life:  Romanticism and Realism in the Western World") and write a response to the following:
    • what are the characteristics of a "mass society"?  What aspects of our present mass society first emerged during the 19th century?

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