Friday, January 10, 2014

Modern World History Test Review: The Industrial Revolution and the Americas

Test Date:  Thursday, January 16th 

Content:  The Industrial Revolution--chapter 19, pages 542-557; The Americas--chapter 20, pages 576-587

The Industrial Revolution:
  • The major characteristics and developments of the Industrial Revolution, including
    • Changes to agriculture and the impacts of industrial farming
    • Why Industrialization began in Britain
    • Major industrial technological developments, who invented them, and their significance (example:  the flying shuttle; the steam engine)
    • Social and cultural impacts of Industrialization
·      Changes to the concept of work and the role of the factory
·      The emergence of the labor movement
·      The role of government industrialization
·      The emergence of new “isms” such as socialism and Marxism/communism
The Americas:
The Haitian Revolution:
  • The causes and significance of the Haitian Revolution
  • How the Haitian Revolution compares with other revolutions we’ve studied and it's relationship to them
  • The role of Toussanit L’Ouverture
The Independence of Latin America
  • The people, causes, outcome, and significance of the Mexican Revolt of 1810
  • Mestizo vs. Creole goals for Latin American independence and government
    • Significance of Simon Bolivar and Jose de San Martin
  • The significance and impact of independence in Latin America
  • The failure of Gran Columbia

The United States

  • The evolution and development of American Government and political power from 1789-1830s
    • Political parties
    • Supreme Court powers
    • The Presidency of Andrew Jackson
  • The causes, outcomes, and significance of the American Civil War
    • Slavery
    • Lincoln’s election
    • North compared to South (economy, society, etc)
    • The War:  new technology, “proto-total war”
    • The impact of the Civil War on the United States

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