Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Ancient World History Test Review: Persia and Greece

Test Date:  Monday, November 18

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points (45 points total)
  • 2 response questions, you choose 1, each worth 55 points

Textbook Material:
Chapters 1 (the section on Persia) and 4 in your textbook.

What do I need to know?

  • The major aspects of the Persian Empire
    • Geographic features
    • Important people
      • Cyrus
      • Cambyses
      • Darius
      • Xerxes
    • Chronology of the growth of the Persian Empire
    • Aspects of Persian government and administration--the satrap system
    • Zoroastrianism—Zarathustra; Ahura Mazda; Angra Mainyu; major beliefs and characteristics
  • The major political, social, and cultural developments in Greece, including
    • Geographic features
    • The early Greeks (Cycladic, Minoan, and Mycenaean)
    • The Dark Age and the significance of The Iliad and The Odyessy
    • The development and significance of the polis
    • Greek systems of government
      • Athenian democracy
        • The Assembly and Council of 500
      • Sparta
        • The Gerousia, Appela, Ephors, Krypteia, Agoge, Helots, and Equals
    • Important people
      • The Alcmaeonids
      • Draco
      • Solon
      • Peiistratus
      • Hippias
      • Cleisthenes
      • Lycurgus
    • Chronology of events
  • The Persian Wars
    • Greek and Persian military practices
      • The phalanx
    • Causes of the wars
    • Chronology of events
    • Major battles and their significance
      • Marathon
      • Thermopylae
      • Salamis
      • Plataea
    • Important people
      • Herodotus
      • Miltiades
      • Leonidas
      • Ephialtes
      • Dieneces
      • Themistocles
      • Sicinnus
      • Artemesia
      • Pausanias 
      • Mardonias

  • Characteristics and significance of Greek cultural achievements
    • Philosophy
      • Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
    • Theater, architecture, and art

  • The Peloponnesian War
    • Causes of the war
      • The Delian League
      • The Long Walls
    • Chronology
    • Major events
      • The Spartan declaration of war
      • Athenian strategy
      • The plague of Athens
      • The Siege of Plataea
      • The Sicilian Expedition
      • The battle of Aegospotami
    • Important people
      • Thucydides
      • Periclese
      • Alcibiades
      • Lysander

    • Aftermath of the war and its significance
      • The Spartan Hegemony and the Battle of Leuctra
        • King Epaminondas

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