Friday, May 10, 2013

United States History: The New Deal and World War II Test Review

U.S. History:  The New Deal and World War II Review

Chapters 24 (to page 749)—The New Deal—and Chapter 25—World War II

Test Date:  Wednesday, May 15th

  • 15 multiple choice questions, each worth 3 points each (45 points total)
  • 2 essay questions—you will choose ONE of them—and answer it, (55 points total)

The New Deal:

  • The major components of the First New Deal:
    • The Hundred Days
    • Fireside Chats
    • The major issues and how they were addressed:
      • Banking failures
        • Emergency Banking Act
      • Agricultural overproduction
        • Agricultural Adjustment Act
      • Business underproduction
        • The National Recovery Act
      • Unemployment
        • Federal Emergency Relief Administration

  • The 2nd New Deal
    • The election of 1936
    • The Social Security Act
    • The Works Progress Administration
    • The “Court Packing Scheme”
    • The “Roosevelt Recession” and the end of the New Deal

World War II

  • The rise of dictators in Europe and Japan and the beginning of war in Europe and Asia
  • The attack on Pearl Harbor and the entrance of the U.S. into World War II
  • The role of American resources and production
  • Weapons and technology
  • Major military events:
    • The Battle of Midway, 1942
    • The Invasion of Italy, 1943
    • Operation Overlord, 1944
    • German surrender, May, 1945
    • Island Hopping, 1942-1945
    • The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
    • Japanese surrender, Sept., 1945
  • The Home Front
  • The Legacy of World War II

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