Thursday, May 9, 2013

Ancient World: The Late Middle Ages and Post-Classical China Test Review

The Late Middle Ages and Post Classical China--Chapter 13 and Chapter 10 to page 289

Test Date:  Wednesday, May 15

Format:  15 Multiple Choice questions, 3 pts each (45 pts)
2 Essay Questions (choose one), 55 pts

The Late Middle Ages:

  • The causes, impact and resolution of the Great Schism, including
    • The election of Pope Clement V
    • The causes and significance of the “Babylonian Captivity”
    • The elections of Popes Urban VI and Clement the XII after the death of Pope Gregory XI
    • The significance of the Council of Constance

  • The causes, spread, reaction to and impact of the Black Death in Europe

  • The causes, major people, events, and outcome of the Hundred Years War, including
    • The conflict between King Edward III of England and King Philip IV of France
    • The comparisons of the English and French forces
    • The role of the Yeoman archer and the longbow
    • The battles of Crecy and Agincourt
    • The significance of King Henry V
    • The significance and role of Joan of Arc
    • The outcome of the war and how warfare changed

Post-Classical China:

  • The Han Dynasty
    • Early vs. Later Han
    • Significance of Han Wudi
    • Causes of Han collapse
  • The 3 Kingdoms:
    • How China changed during this period
    • The resumption of Dynastic rule

  • The major aspects of the Sui, Tang, and Song Dynasties, including
    • Similarities/differences with previous dynasties
    • Achievements and polices
·         The grand canal; policies towards expansion and relations with nomadic peoples
·         Social characteristics, including class structure and roles of women
·         Cultural and technological achievements including
o   Block printing
o   Black powder
o   Ship building

The Mongols:

  • Major characteristics of nomadic life
  • The life and rise of Temujin/Genghis Khan
  • Mongol military organization and way of war
  • The establishment and expansion of the Mongol empire, including chronology of the expansion, areas they conquered, the limits/boundaries of the empire
  • Characteristics/locations of the Khanates:  The Yuan Dynasty, the Il Khanate, the Golden Horde
  • The impact of the Pax Mongolica on Asia and Europe
  • Reasons for Mongol Decline

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