Monday, October 21, 2013

Ancient World History Hoplon Assignment

The hoplon was the name for the shield carried by the Greek hoplite, or heavy infantryman.  It was considered to be the single most important piece of equipment carried by the hoplite.  It was 3 feet in diameter, circular, concave, made of wood and bronze, weighed approximately 20 lbs. and was often decorated.

Your assignment is to make your own hoplon.  Your hoplon should:

  • be made of sturdy material (heavy cardboard works well)
  • be circular, approximately 3 ft. in diameter (it does NOT need to be concave)
  • have a strap or handle or some other way of carrying it on your left arm/hand
  • be decorated somehow--you may use an ancient Greek design (see below) or devise your own
  • have your name and class period written on the back

Your hoplon is due in class on Monday, November 9th and is worth 2 quiz grades.

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